Advanced Skills: PAD & ABPI

Learn more about Peripheral Arterial Disease, and practice using assessment tools & techniques

    1. Best Practices (Canadian)

    2. Definitions

    3. Causes

    4. Risk Factors

    5. Common Signs & Symptoms

    6. PAD Prevention Strategies

    7. PAD Management Plan

    8. Common Related Foot Conditions

    9. Documentation

    1. PAD Assessment - Physical & Clinical

    2. PAD Assessment: Arterial vs. Venous

    3. PAD Assessment: Location

    4. PAD Assessment: Arterial Sounds with Doppler

    5. PAD Diagnostics - Invasive, Non-invasive, Screening

    6. Practical: Demonstration & Student Practice

    1. Definitions & Nurse's Role with ABPI

    2. ABPI Techniques for persons with PAD

    3. CAFCN Competencies

    1. Practical: ABPI Techniques

    2. Health Teaching

Workshop Details

  • 20 lessons
  • Hands-on workshop
  • Multiple locations
  • For experienced foot care nurses

Peripheral Arterial Disease

What is it? How to assess it? What is your role as a foot care nurse? How can you empower your patients?