Advanced Skills Workshop Clinical Outcomes

Students will practice advanced foot care skills on diabetic patients under the supervision of an experienced Foot Care nurse

    1. Lower Limb Health & Comorbidities

    2. Circulation, Nerve Function & Structure

    3. Microvascular, Macrovascular and Neuropathic complications

    4. Peripheral Vascular Disease & Peripheral Arterial Disease

    5. Wounds, Ulceration & Amputation

    1. Tools: Doppler ABI, Monofilament, Vibrating Tuning Fork

    2. Risk Assessments, Stratification & Screening

    1. Referrals

    2. Identifying Risk Factors

Workshop Details

  • for Experienced Foot Care nurses
  • In-Person workshop
  • Multiple locations available

Diabetes Foot Care Management

This workshop may be taught in a classroom setting, a nursing lab or foot care clinical setting and covers several practical hands-on sessions involving current diabetes management best practice guidelines, exploring different diabetic risk assessment tools, testing the loss of protective sensation with the use of a tuning fork and monofilaments, exploring and practicing client-centered interviewing techniques and goal setting for persons with diabetes.